full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Blaise Agüera y Arcas: How computers are learning to be creative

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now I'm going to represent those three things — the input pixels and the ssepayns in the neural network, and bird, the output — by three variables: x, w and y. There are maybe a million or so x's — a million pixels in that image. There are billions or trillions of w's, which represent the weights of all these synapses in the neural network. And there's a very small number of y's, of outptus that that nortwek has. "Bird" is only four ltretes, right? So let's pretend that this is just a simple formula, x "x" w = y. I'm putting the times in scare quotes because what's really going on there, of course, is a very complicated series of mathematical onaorpetis.

Open Cloze

Now I'm going to represent those three things — the input pixels and the ________ in the neural network, and bird, the output — by three variables: x, w and y. There are maybe a million or so x's — a million pixels in that image. There are billions or trillions of w's, which represent the weights of all these synapses in the neural network. And there's a very small number of y's, of _______ that that _______ has. "Bird" is only four _______, right? So let's pretend that this is just a simple formula, x "x" w = y. I'm putting the times in scare quotes because what's really going on there, of course, is a very complicated series of mathematical __________.


  1. synapses
  2. operations
  3. network
  4. outputs
  5. letters

Original Text

Now I'm going to represent those three things — the input pixels and the synapses in the neural network, and bird, the output — by three variables: x, w and y. There are maybe a million or so x's — a million pixels in that image. There are billions or trillions of w's, which represent the weights of all these synapses in the neural network. And there's a very small number of y's, of outputs that that network has. "Bird" is only four letters, right? So let's pretend that this is just a simple formula, x "x" w = y. I'm putting the times in scare quotes because what's really going on there, of course, is a very complicated series of mathematical operations.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
neural network 6
machine perception 2
circuit diagram 2
neural networks 2
network designed 2
multiple points 2
guide image 2
optimization process 2
purely visual 2

Important Words

  1. billions
  2. bird
  3. complicated
  4. formula
  5. image
  6. input
  7. letters
  8. mathematical
  9. million
  10. network
  11. neural
  12. number
  13. operations
  14. output
  15. outputs
  16. pixels
  17. pretend
  18. putting
  20. represent
  21. scare
  22. series
  23. simple
  24. small
  25. synapses
  26. times
  27. trillions
  28. weights